Get Connected
God made us to live in community and to have fellowship with one another. When we are in community we encourage one another and walk in faith together. There are many ways that you can get connected at MidPoint Church. We have a space for everyone no matter where you are on your faith journey.
Brotherhood is our men's ministry. We are a group of men that get together to support one another, enjoy fellowship together and attend men's events. We pray together, do life together and help encourage one another towards the gospel. All men are welcome no matter what stage of life you are in.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate recovery is all about experiencing freedom from life's hurts, hang-ups and pains. Celebrate Recovery intends to provide a safe place - a community of individuals seeking healing and restoration through worship and teaching, personal recovery experiences, and small group interaction. We meet every Friday at 7pm at the church. All are welcome!
Sisterhood is our women's ministry at MidPoint Church. We are a loving and supportive women's ministry that focuses on encouraging all the women at MidPoint to a life dedicated to God. We meet monthly to love one another, empower one another, and pray for one another. We have fun, worship, and enjoy good food together.
We have an active outreach ministry that focuses on preaching the gospel and reaching those who do not know Jesus. We partner with different organizations such as Gods Pit Crew and others to show the love of Jesus. We also have a food pantry that gives food to those that do not have.
We have an incredible worship ministry that is authentic and vibrant. True worshippers will worship in Spirit and in Truth. Our team creates a space where you can worship freely in any way that you choose. If you want to put your hands up you are free to do so.
Couples Ministry
This is the couples ministry at Midpoint Church where we support couples of all ages. We host couples events throughout the year that help couples grow together and build a strong marriage. Join a LifeGroup to stay connected or join our couple's ministry group.
A life group for young married couples.
Real Talk for Couples
A life group for couples that want to be mentored.
For Couples
Connect with other couples.
SonShining 50+
The SonShining 50+ Ministry is a ministry for those aged 50+. Come and enjoy lots of fun, worship, laughter, and good bible teaching together. The senior adults meet twice a month to share a meal, and enjoy some good fellowship together. One of these meetings is to attend a planned "daycation". The other is hosted at MidPoint Church.
MPY is the youth ministry at MidPoint from 6th grade to 12th grade. We meet every Sunday evening at church at 5:30pm for a fun time of worship, games, food, fellowship, and learning about Jesus. We also meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm during the evening service, and have a bible study at 9am on Sunday morning.