Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate recovery is all about experiencing freedom from life's hurts, hang-ups and pains. No one is perfect, it's why we need Jesus. Celebrate Recovery intends to provide a safe place - a community of individuals seeking healing and restoration through worship and teaching, personal recovery experiences, and small group interaction. We meet every Friday at the church.
Friday @ 7pm
Life's hurts, habits, and hang-ups
The Road To Recovery

Join a Celebrate Recovery Life Group
Celebrate Recovery has two life groups called Step Study Life Groups. These are a 12 step study towards healing and recovery. You can join a men or women's group. The groups provide you with a safe space to share your thoughts, experiences, strengths, and hopes with others that are going through a Christ-centered recovery.
Step Study Men
Step Study Women
1. Are our leaders professional counselors?
Our leaders are not professional counselors and do not provide professional advice. The leader has however been through a similar hurt, hang-up or habit and follows specific guidelines that are provided to them.
2. What can I expect on Friday?
On Friday we have a time of worship, community, and hearing from others that have gone through similar hang-ups and hurts. It's a great time together with Jesus.

The 8 Recovery Principles
1. Earnestly believe that God exists.
2. Realize I'm not God.
3. Commit all my life to Jesus.
4. Confess my faults to myself, God and someone I trust.
5. Allow God to work in my life.
6. Forgive others.
7. Spend time with God.
8. Submit to God.
The feeling of being hurt is an emotional reaction to another persons behavior or to a disturbing situation (abuse, abandonment, codependency, divorce, or relationship issues).
A habit is an addiction to someone or something (alcoholism, drugs, food, gambling etc.). A hang-up is a negative mental attitude that is used to cope with people or adversity (anger, depression etc.)